
Ng Eng Teng

First placed in Singapore: 1974

NUS Cultural Centre

See main entry

Patron: DBS Land

The work was commissioned by DBS Land for Plaza Singapora, a shopping center considered state of the art at the time of its launch (but aren't they all). In 1997 the work was cleared out as Plaza Singapura was renovated and this piece and its companion Wealth were donated to the National University of Singapore. NUS originally opened a Ng Eng Teng Gallery just a floor below the NUS Central Library (the old RBR room), with a design done by Lai Chee Kian. Wealth and Contentment were placed in prominent positions flanking a well-used path across from the Admin and Central Library block of the University. However by September 2001, the pieces had been moved from their positions, and moved into somewhat less prominent positions in the garden of the University Cultural Centre. Eng Teng's Museum has moved to more permanent quarters in the UCC as well. There is no clear view of the pieces, either in the approach to the building, or from the inside.

Text of the Label:

CONTENTMENT 1974 Ciment fondu 206 x 259 x 92 cm Sculptor: Ng Eng Teng Presented by Plaza Singapura Pte Ltd, 1997

Last updated: Dec-5-2020

PublicArtSG Photographs are by Peter Schoppert, unless otherwise indicated.
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