Flora Inspiration

Han Sai Por

First placed in Singapore: 2007

Changi Airport Terminal 3 (near the walkway which leads to Jewel)


Patron: Changi Airport Group

Guest entry by Vanessa Yeo, who also took the photos: "This pair of marble sculptures are sculpted in a style that is recognisably Han Sai Por's. Many of her sculptures depict enlarged and stylised plants and are inspired by her intimate relationship with nature."

Photos taken October 2021

Text of the Label:

Flora Inspiration
Medium: Han Bai Yu marble
Year: 2007

About The Art
The pair of sculptures represents the abundant growth of flora, an enrichment of the eco-system chat stimulates and provides energy for all living things. The artwork is hewn from "Han Bai Yu" which is a stone that is indigenous to China's Yunnan region and has close similarities to White Jade. Its symmetrical, rounded perfection of form is symbolic of life and growth. The form bears reference to Singapore as the Garden City that continuously sprouts and flourishes.

Last updated: Aug-7-2022

Flora Inspiration
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page

PublicArtSG Photographs are by Peter Schoppert, unless otherwise indicated.
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