Homage to Newton

Salvador Dali

First placed in Singapore: 1985

UOB Bank Plaza


Patron: United Overseas Bank

But when was it placed here exactly? A five-metre version of this is in a square in Madrid, designed by Dali. A stone dolmen stands across from the sculpture.

Text of the Label:

Salvador Dali Figueras 1904-1989 Figueras Homage to Newton Bronze with dark patina Signed and numbered 5/8 Cast in 1985 388 x 210 x 133 cm In the 17th century, Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity. Legend tells us that origin of this most important and fundamental physical law was initiated by the falling of an apple, represented in the present work by the ball falling from the right hand.Salvador Dali, one of the most important surrealist artists, takes the liberty to go even further in paying homage to Newton by opening up the torso of the figure and suspending the heart to indicate 'open-heartedness'. The open head represents an 'open-mind'. These are two necessary qualities for the discovery of important natural laws as well as for success of all human endeavours.

Last updated: Dec-5-2020

Homage to Newton

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