Root 2

Min Chen

First placed in Singapore: 1997

ITE Headquarters off Dover Rd


Patron: Institute of Technical Education

Text of the Label:

Root 2
by Min Chen
Inspired by the Artist's explorations in Origami, the Art of Paperfolding, the central focus of this stainless steel sculpture, of approximately 5000kg in weight and 8.2m in height, is a cube with every two of its adjacent faces connected by a series of radiating planes. These plans form three interlocking wheels, the sizes of which vary as a function of the square root of two.

The mathematical concept of Root 2 is used to signify the infinite changes in modern technology, the infinite creativity in technical education and infinite expansion of human potential through technical training. These, as symbolized by the three interrelated wheels, represent a flexible and relevant ITE.

Root 2 was officially unveiled on
19 january 1997 by
Mr Eric Gwee Tech Hai, Chairman, Board of Governors,
Institute of Technical Education

Last updated: Dec-5-2020

Root 2
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page

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