Sarawak Carved Ceremonial Pole

artist unknown

First placed in Singapore: 1991

Asian Civilisations Museum

Was originally in front of the National Museum, later moved to the ACM. Still there as of December 2020, though I have this strong sense it was removed for a time...

Patron: presented by the State Government and People of Sarawak to the Government and People of Singapore

This column, like the Chinese heros once in the Marina South sculpture garden, is credited to unnamed ethnic craftspeople... A similar column has long been symbol of the Kuching Museum, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Text of the Label:

Sarawak Carved Ceremonial Pole presented by the State Government and People of Sarawak to the Government and People of Singapore, April 12, 1991 This carved ceremonial pole is an example of the range of wood carvings produced by several ethnic communities in Sarawak. Woodcarvings are a common cultural expressions of Sarawak's indigenous people. As ... and decorative carvers, they produce a variety of crafts, randing from mass v... trunk carvings to anthropomorphic statues, ...., and small figurines. This particular pole, with traditional motifs in bold relief of spiral, scroll and circular disc was carved by members of the Kajang community. Traditionally, such a ceremonial pole, if made with a hollowed chamber at the middle section, was used to inter [sic] remains of a distinguished leader and served both as a mausoleum and an identity for the whole community.

Last updated: Feb-6-2021

Sarawak Carved Ceremonial Pole
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page

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