
Han Sai Por

First placed in Singapore: 2006

in front of National Museum, under the banyan tree


Patron: National Museum of Singapore

Carved from sandstone boulders found during the excavation works to build the new wing of the National Museum.m Lots of fun, but the staining looked a little heavy when they were first installed in 2006. How do they look now?

Text of the Label:

Seeds Han Sai Por 2006 Big Seed - 1.5m (L) x 1m (W) x 1m (H) Small Seed - 1m (L) x 0.6m (W) x 0.6m (H) Medium: Sandstone National Museum of Singapore

Last updated: Dec-5-2020


PublicArtSG Photographs are by Peter Schoppert, unless otherwise indicated.
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