Sense Surround, #1, #2, #3, #4

Anthony Poon

First placed in Singapore: 2008

in front of the St Regis Hotel, Tanglin Road


Patron: St Regis Hotel

I'll let the video by RedTaurus (below) do the talking. It also covers two other works at the St Regis, a Botero (since removed) and Li Chen's Dragon-Riding Bodhisattva.

Text of the Label:

Each one of these four linked works have their own label: Anthony Poon (1945 - 2006) Title: Sense Surround #1 Medium: Painted Aluminium Specially commissioned for the St Regis Hotel in 2006Anthony Poon (1945 - 2006) Title: Sense Surround #2 Medium: Painted Aluminium Specially commissioned for the St Regis Hotel in 2006 Anthony Poon (1945 - 2006) Title: Sense Surround #3 Medium: Painted Aluminium Specially commissioned for the St Regis Hotel in 2006 Anthony Poon (1945 - 2006) Title: Sense Surround #4 Medium: Painted Aluminium Specially commissioned for the St Regis Hotel in 2006

Last updated: Dec-5-2020

PublicArtSG Photographs are by Peter Schoppert, unless otherwise indicated.
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