The Substation Mural Wall

various artists

First placed in Singapore: 1991

Side wall of the Substation, off Armenian Street


Patron: The Substation Ltd

The Substation has been encouraging art interventions into public space since it was opened in 1991. The Garden was a potent space for murals, installations and performance art of various kinds, and the fa̤ade and outside walls of the building have also been used for various works over the years. When Noor Effendy Ibrahim became Artistic Director of The Substation in 2010, he led a sustained effort to work with the urban and graffiti art community in Singapore, to create murals on the walls of Substation as well as offer courses, workshops and various interventions and support. The works on the wall as of this writing, reflect that sustained engagement, including of course the installation by "the Sticker Lady" aka #sklo, shown here.

Last updated: Feb-13-2021

The Substation Mural Wall
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page
additional photograph of the sculpture on this page

PublicArtSG Photographs are by Peter Schoppert, unless otherwise indicated.
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