Thomas Woolner

Born 1825, died 1892. Woolner was a member of the Pre-Raphaelites, and helped produce their first publication, The Germ. He left England for the Australian gold rush, and spent the early 1850s in Australia, before returning to England and finding success as a sculptor. Did he stop in Singapore to or fro? He seemed to have made a speciality of portrait sculpture of famous colonials, including the large Captain Cook in Sydney among others.

Several of Woolner's works are included in the database of National Recording Project of the UK's Public Monuments and Sculpture Association, including:

  • James Fraser (Manchester)
  • A series of sculptures in the Manchester Crown Courts
  • a statue of William III in the Old Bailey, London
  • a statue of George Dawson in Birmingham (apparently quite badly received)

works in the database by Woolner

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