January 26, 2025
The Flow of the Qi
In which I visit an small but excellent exhibition at the NTU CCA, and try out Perplexity.AI
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January 3, 2023
Displacing Singapore
I wrote this essay in 1998, for a volume of photographs by Lucas Jodogne, titled Singapore: Views on the Urban Landscape. Lucas’ photographs were marvelous, a sort of warm version of the New Topographics.
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May 16, 2022
Marjorie Doggett - in three histories...
…or four really, since it is also a story of Singapore publishing… this based on a short speech I made at the launch of Marjorie Doggett’s Singapore: a Photographic Record, published by the Photographic Heritage Foundation, Hong Kong, with NUS Press, and supported by the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation.
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the Merlion and other monsters
As an invented symbol, apparently born fully-grown from the head of an ichthyologist, the Merlion is most fully a monster, with its mixed charge of fear and attraction, for Singapore’s poets.
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December 20, 2020
The Singapore Public Art Database
A new iteration of the database of public art in Singapore, at PSMedia.Asia/publicartsg One slow-burn project of mine over the last twenty years has been documenting public art in Singapore.
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September 12, 2020
modern Buddhist murals
The Isipathanaramaya murals The Isipathanaramaya is a Theravada Buddhist temple in a prosperous early 20th century suburb of the Sri Lankan capital city, Colombo. It was commissioned in 1916, by Colombo merchant D.
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The 55th Golden Horse Awards
a guest post from Lee Chor Lin, looking at what in retrospect turns out to have been a key turning point in the cultural relations between China and Taiwan - the Taiwan-produced Golden Horse Awards have long been a key marker for the sinophone world. But sometimes the tensions just become too much.
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