The Enjoyment Purpose
The enjoyment purpose. Do exceptions under the copyright laws of Japan & Singapore allow GenAI training? TLDR: Not really… The latest issue of the AI Copyright Newsletter
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May 16, 2022
Marjorie Doggett - in three histories...
…or four really, since it is also a story of Singapore publishing… this based on a short speech I made at the launch of Marjorie Doggett’s Singapore: a Photographic Record, published by the Photographic Heritage Foundation, Hong Kong, with NUS Press, and supported by the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation.
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September 12, 2020
modern Buddhist murals
The Isipathanaramaya murals The Isipathanaramaya is a Theravada Buddhist temple in a prosperous early 20th century suburb of the Sri Lankan capital city, Colombo. It was commissioned in 1916, by Colombo merchant D.
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Why we should move the Frankfurt Bookfair to Cannes...
Cannes combines three events in one. The biggest event is 1) the film market, which brings together buyers and sellers of films (and services like film finance and location support).
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September 22, 2018
Digital Publishing in Singapore: introduction & context
!!! NB: This report was originally piublished for the UK PA in 2012
INTRODUCTION “We still call it a ‘book’ fair…”, said the representative of the Frankfurt Book Fair to a recent meeting of publishers in the region.
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August 11, 2018
Kinokuniya Celebrating 30 Years in Singapore
Japanese publishers may not be too familiar to English-speaking readers (except for manga fans of course!), but Japanese bookseller Kinokuniya has done a very good job of entering new English-language markets with its multilingual bookshops over the last 20+ years.
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August 11, 2018
Digital Publishing in Singapore, iii
This section considers the use of digital technologies in the various business activities of Singapore’s publishers: from content origination through production to marketing and sales.
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August 11, 2018
Digital Publishing in Singapore, ii
Singapore’s publishers have been operating digital businesses for decades. Professional, academic and science, technology and medicine (STM) publishers were the first to take the plunge into digital, and have been providing book and journal content electronically to libraries and institutions around the world for at least the last 15 years.
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How Singapore regulates the book publishing industry
One of my most interesting PS Media projects was writing a report for the UK Publishers Association on Singapore’s book markets and publishing industry, published in 2012.
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